The List of Six

This 2017, I continue the quest to both simplify my life and get more done. I usually write my day’s tasks, my To-Do List, each morning in my diary before (or during!) the morning’s work and cancel out each one as soon as it’s done. I have managed my day this way for some time and can say it helps me stay focused.

Now, I’d like to experiment with a variation of this tool called ‘the Ivy Lee method’. I call it The List of Six. Here’s what I will do this January:

Instead of writing my list in the morning, I will write it the evening before I close at work. I think it will give me more time to reflect on my priorities.

And I won’t just write every possible thing I want to do in the world, I will put down just six things, the most important tasks I intend to engage in the next day at work.

I will arrange or rearrange them in order of importance.

The next morning, I will work on the first task until it’s accomplished before moving on to the next and so on. This is the heart of this plan–>To devote my energies to the most important task before my energy level goes down. I will try not to multitask!

At the end of the day, I will move any pending task to the next day’s list of six.

I learnt the man Ivy Lee got a cheque for today’s equivalent of $400,000 from a client for this! You can read the full story on James Clear’s highly resourceful website.

This evening, will you join me to write down the six things what you want to do tomorrow? Make sure to begin to do the most important first when you get to work.


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