Please, sir, can I have some more?

I read Oliver Twist when I was about seven or eight years old and wondered why all those guys got irate when Oliver asked for more. 

What was the issue? I mean, I myself asked for more almost all the time. I managed to read the book through and found it wasn’t all about food but the adventures of that poor boy. 

Food never seemed enough either due to my greed or was it an hyperactive digestion? The grownups got annoyed, teased, and guided me on the virtues of not asking for more.

Oliver’s case, just like mine, came to me this morning and I thought to record it as an interesting consciousness. As I grew older, asking for more from parents, from bosses became tougher.

Aren’t people supposed to know and extend to me what I deserve? So I am proud when I make do with little — fine virtue ennobled by Paul here, and another here in Hebrews — but I see that the fear of rejection, and not piety, fuels my disposition.

But God says to ‘ask’. And it’s not evil to ask for more even if it riles some people.

My guide: if I’m convinced I ask for a selfless reason, and my request is reasonable within the situation’s context, then I retrain myself to ask for more.

There are resources God releases only when we ask, there are stewards He instructs to act only when we ask. God, I am grateful for the blessings I have today; I ask for more in this season.

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