Web Gems (June 2)

First, stay inspired with this marvellous resource called The Seeds 4 Life. The site serves inspirational articles grown from quotes. According to the editor, “this site was created around the idea that your mind functions like a garden, with your thoughts acting like the Seeds.  The more inspirational or positive thoughts you Seed within your mind, the more flowers you’ll grow.”

There are these guys who say food is the new Internet. There are “[c]onversations dedicated to sharing the billion dollar opportunities in food as we move to a #realfood world.” I’m excited to discover this trove of new directions in food. How does plant-based meat even taste? Can small farm robots help rescue food production in Nigeria?

According to The New York Times, A.Word.A.Day with Anu Garg is “The most welcomed, most enduring piece of daily mass e-mail in cyberspace.” I got today’s word ‘prowess’ in my mail. It takes its root from the Middle French prou (valiant), from Old English prud. Goodies like an anagram server show up on the site, too. Go, subscribe if you’re a word lover or even if you’re just curious.

The Etisalat Prize for Literature for new writers of African citizenship.

And finally, 25 of the most beautiful libraries in the world.

New York Public Library

The New York Public Library

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