
Doubt and Unbelief

It is hard to win an argument against faith, but it is easy to insinuate, to plant a seed of doubt, just a shadow to mix things up a tiny bit. Then its efficacy is soon gone, no effort required to persuade or compel you to refute your earlier claims. Doubt takes on a life

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Ideas, Talk, Talent

Ideas ruled the world. I thought so, I believed it, and delighted in unveiling and polishing mine where I had them filed. There were many secrets to making money, I was privy to quite a number. If ideas were cash, I was a billionaire at 19. I felt rich even if reality offered no parallel

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“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively; unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt Stretch. Move into the unknown or the less known. Have some faith. Take courage. Step forward. Raise your hand. Raise a point. Make your

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You must begin at zero. Great things begin from nothing – but nothing is useless until it is transmuted into zero. That is the first miracle. Nothing must first become zero. What is zero? The beginning, the origin, the start, the take-off. Every great edifice, every great enterprise; every work of creation – the first

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