
A room filled with books

What is more beautiful than a room filled with books? There are probably very many things like love, like catching a baby staring or smiling at you. But I love books, and that joy is complete when I find myself in a room filled with them, a garden of lights and heady smells, of sparkling […]

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Creating Innovators

I have always been a rebel – against the course of content-cramming, and soulless educating in Nigeria. And I know what Mark Twain meant when he cautioned not to “allow [your] schooling to interfere with your education” – although I have suffered for it. Our academic systems gasp for relevance but they at least subsist,

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David and Goliath

Little David killed Goliath Hallelu-hallelujah Little David killed Goliath Hallelujah Little David was a shepherd boy He killed Goliath and shouted for joy, ‘Hey!’ Remember the children’s song? In David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, Malcolm Gladwell begins with the story of David and Goliath recorded in 1 Samuel 17 in the

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These Six Books

I didn’t read many books this year. I slowed way down due to rising commitments, life changes, and an inevitable reduction in stamina. The books got replaced by blog posts and online articles; I can imagine them adding up to a significant number of volumes if only I could collate them. But these six books

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